Depuis son lancement en 2019, par le premier ministre japonais, la France représentée par le CNRS et le CEA, participe aux actions du RD20. Abdelilah Slaoui (Responsable de la Cellule Énergie du CNRS), par délégation d’Antoine Petit (PDG du CNRS) fait entendre...
Jointly organized by CSIR – Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, Dhanbad and the CNRS – Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France. The Workshop will take place in CSIR – National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, India from 21 to...
The 5th meeting of the French-Singaporean research network on Renewable Energy (IRN SINERGIE*) was organised in Aix-en-Provence, France, from September 26th to 30th 2022. Program and Abstracts :...
Presentation : Stability Enhancement of Inverter Dominated Systems using Virtual Inertia ControlLalitha Subramanian Sinergie-Webinar-PPT-14-12-2021-SubramanianTélécharger
The 4th meeting and 3rd School of the French-Singaporean Research Network on Renewable Energy (SINERGIE) was held in Singapore from November 5th to November 8th 2019. The School focused on “Sustainable and resilient cities: energy considerations” This event gathered...
Welcome address Prof Subodh Mhaisalkar, Prof Claude Guet and Dr Alain Dollet Lecture 1. »Interdependencies of infrastructures in Smart Cities and advanced topological approach for the resiliency of coupled systems ‐ example of Power and ICT systems’ » Raphael Caire,...